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RARE OPPORTUNITY 68 GT500KR selling 11-5-11

Discussion in '1965-1970 Shelby Mustang GT350 & GT500' started by Fineline, Oct 30, 2011.

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  1. DJR

    DJR Well-Known Member

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    Dec 26, 2004
    Re: Amazing sale today, $230k WOW!!

    I wouldn't go as far as saying "wrong". Because everything they (experts) said about the car was true. I would agree most, including myself was "wrong" reguarding what this car would sell for. "WOW!!" is a understatement. I hope the new owner has a personal attachment to the car because I do not believe from a investment stand point 230K will bring a good return.
  2. QuickSilverShelby

    QuickSilverShelby Member

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    Aug 18, 2008
    Re: Amazing sale today, $230k WOW!!

    No, the experts wen't wrong at all. The buyer just had no idea what an original, unmolested 68 Shelby looks like.

    I mean really, Im no expert but even I can see a ton of things that are not correct with this car. Open your eyes, get educated come out of the woods and you'll realize what has happened here.

    This whole thing reminds me of a scene from the movie "Dumb and Dumber" with Shane being "The Dumber".

  3. 557

    557 Well-Known Member

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    Mar 9, 2010
    sad sad so very very sad...........
  4. backwoods

    backwoods Banned

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    Nov 5, 2011
    Avon, IN
    There isn't any way guys that any shill was involved here as 1 bidder, who was a local lady who said she knew the car was in it right to the end against the bidder from CA. Do you guys really think anyone would just show up with that much cash to spend w/o doing their homework and having facts? Plus there were 5 bidders going at it initially as the bidding got stronger. The auction company guaranteed all the details they stated as well and they are very reputable around here.

    Very disappointing to see such disrespect and all kinds of negative talk regarding a car as special as this. The atmosphere on site was sure positive and exciting, thank God for that. So many claiming the winner is a fool but guys it's HIS money so why do you care? Personally I think it's great that small time USA just out did the "big auction companies".

    We are farmers, simple folks who work hard each day, and live our lives with respect toward others as that is how we prefer to be treated. Sad that isn't the case with many these days.
  5. Coralsnake

    Coralsnake Well-Known Member

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    Sep 8, 2004
    The Northcoast

    Welcome to the "new" members.

    The details documented on the forum are correct. The car was a nice car, but far from being correct or authentic. There is no problem with the "experts". If you dont believe me, I will document anything listed in my posts.

    I dont recall anyone predicting the price, but even if they did, the price is what the buyer and seller ( in this case the auction) agree to.

    You can agree or disagree if its too much.

    I will agree with you hopefully the new owner did their own homework, because if they are relying on the auction house "guarantee" then we haven't heard the end of this....because a lawsuit will follow.

    I will challenge you to tell us why its the "rarest Shelby"? That statement is ignorant of the other low mileage cars that exist in far better shape.

    If you're really interested in the prices, auction prices tend to be 30-40% higher than full retail.

    We are so lucky with all these knowledgeable new members. I hope they are here a month from now.

  6. backwoods

    backwoods Banned

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    Nov 5, 2011
    Avon, IN

    I truly don't know for certain how rare a find like this is. (Are you stating the miles are wrong and the claims are false?) It would appear to be a rare car as I doubt there are many 1 owner, low mile models as this out there if any. I read where there were only 933 of the KR fastbacks made that year so if those numbers are indeed true how can this not be a very rare car?

    We have a 66 mustang conv that my wife's parents bought new and it is still very original (engine and trans have been rebuilt and a new top on 12 yeara ago) and to us very special to have stayed in the family and maintained so well over the years as we know so many were passed around decades ago. We intend to pass it to our kids someday. Also have a great friend who custom ordered a vette almost 40 years ago that he got for his 16th birthday and to date it has 2200 miles on it and is very original. He bought it in primer and had it custom painted and it is brand new in every way though not "factory paint but original paint". So I would feel that too is a rare car.

    I'm not here to debate and we can agree to disagree on certain things.

    Lots on here seem to want to judge from what I see. Talking about lawsuits against auction house and all seem to be a very supportive crowd, laughing. Did the spotlight and attention of this take away from one of your cars and hurt someone's feelings? Sure seems that way from someone who isn't in your "click".
  7. Coralsnake

    Coralsnake Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 8, 2004
    The Northcoast
    There were 1053 GT500 KR fastbacks.

    The car was rare.

    It was not 100% authentic or original.

    Try as hard as you like, but you can't change facts.

    Just one more question, since you are so supportive of the original posting. Do the "hard working, simple" people of Indiana support someone making death threats and calling forum members names?
  8. The_Model_Garage

    The_Model_Garage Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 3, 2011
    Fairmount, IN, Hometown of James Dean
    It's happened before that folks showed up with the money and without the facts. I don't think homework and facts had anything to do with this KR being auctioned at such a high price. To me, it is just 2 folks who got caught up in a bidding fracas on someone else's words of what this car is and isn't.

    Backwoods, you need to know who the ones speaking about this car here on this forum are. They know what they're talking about. They have followed Shelbys from day 1 and have continued in a depth of knowledge that qualifies them to speak out about the car.

    Yes, it's good that the atmosphere was positive and exciting. However, I certainly hope your "thank God" was a genuine statement and not just a "feel good" reply.

    Why care? On one point, you're probably right. On the other hand, the buyer, unless it is indeed Leno who bought the car, is going to want to check with SAAC or maybe even this forum and will want to find out if their "investment" is good and just how they can better it.

    You're right there.

    Backwoods, I'm not sure how to take your last statement. But taking it at face value, I'll say aren't the only ones who live the simple life and work hard. I live in Indiana, as I guess you do, and my wife and I work hard. We prefer the simple life. I sure hope your insinuations aren't placing yourself on some sort of a pedestal that places everyone else beneath you.

    It is sad that most of the folks who have seen this auction or heard about it on CHannel 13 News will think that's the going rate and all '68 Shelbys, regardless of condition, will receive the inflation to the genuine hobby.

    One more quick note about this forum...if you want to learn more about Shelbys, it's the place to be. If you need cold and hard facts on any Shelby product, it's the place to be with the expertise to match. If your only intention is to stir up trouble and argue about Shelby-related cars and facts, it's the place to be...BECAUSE the folks on here who do know what they're talking about will have the final word.

    I reckon that's all this simple Hoosier has to say.

    Dave @ The Model Garage
    Fairmount, IN, hometown of James Dean
    rshelby likes this.
  9. mrmustang

    mrmustang Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Dec 23, 2004
    Greenville, SC
    Shilled it may have been with Shane and his mother/aunt/cousin/local buyer, too coincidental to say the very least. Video of the bidders will show up eventually, and inquiries will be made. If it's on the up and up, then nobody will be losing any sleep, if not, then I suspect that some will spend a little time in a place they will not be happy with.
  10. Adam Wilson

    Adam Wilson New Member

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    Nov 6, 2011
    Hello friends Im brand new to this forum but I was at the auction. I would like to know who bought the car and share with you a video I found.[/URL]
  11. Adam Wilson

    Adam Wilson New Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 6, 2011
    Top video on youtube under Ether2020
  12. QuickSilverShelby

    QuickSilverShelby Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 18, 2008
  13. QuickSilverShelby

    QuickSilverShelby Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 18, 2008
    Part #2 to my "what the he!! is going on in the Shelby world" rant.

    Watch this YouTube video. The car gets bid up to $230k THEN the auctioneer stops the auction for 5 minutes to go talk with the lawyers to SEE if the car can be sold.

    OMG, no wonder this auction was held under the big top. I've seen some crazy sh!t at auctions but this has to take the cake.

  14. vernonestes

    vernonestes Well-Known Member

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    Jan 14, 2007

    It seems that "Fineline" aka Shane and "backwoods" happen to have the same IP Address and the same Host name.

    HMM, i wonder what that means, perhaps mrmustang nailed this one on the head. Backwoods and Fineline are the same person, as if anyone should have thought otherwise. Here are my responses to his above posts..

    #56) Your attempt to come out saying you are "new here" and announce your name as "TJ" is just incredibly pathetic. In response to the rest of post #56, pass the bong
    #59) The experts are right on this one, Shane. You even admitted to me over the phone on Thursday that you knew very little about these cars so who are you to say an expert is wrong?
    #64) Just judging by the bidding pattern it is clearly possible there were shills. Its an auction house, if you dont think they shill bid then you are high. If the auction company "guarantees" the car and its "almost 100% originality" then i would not rule out the possibility of an eventual lawsuit..that is, if it sold at all. "We are farmers, simple folks who work hard each day, and live our lives with respect toward others as that is how we prefer to be treated. Sad that isn't the case with many these days."--------are you being serious? People like you, who send death threats to others are not "simple people who live their lives with respect towards others." It is sad that people like that exist in the world, i personally consider them no better than dirt and i believe they should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

    So, Shane, in case it wasnt clear the first time i banned you from the forum, let it be crystal clear now. You are banned, for the second time. Did you really think i couldnt see your IP address as a moderator here? Do you have no sense of reality? The moderators see everything, you wont get by us.

    You are not welcome here, do not post again. This community is a close knit one based on the love of the do not belong here.

    I have already recieved many threats from you including a few death threats...if i get another call form you, or any form of communication, your police report, which remains open (and active, as you will read below), will again be updated.

    Interestingly enough, and to my great surprise, did you know that the online services which allow you to change your number and voice tone are required to keep a detailed log of the information and real phone numbers of those ingrates who use the services? Did you also know that these records are routinely made available to law enforcement in the event that threats are made using such services, and that the information logs kept make it even easier than usual to track suspects? Turns out they do this because these services are intended to be used by young prepubescent children who get their jollies off by making prank calls to little girls. But, as incredibly cowardly as it may seem to some people, grown men also tend to use these services to make interstate terroristic threats, even death threats. A person who called me on Saturday, lets call him my newest advocate, actually clued me in on all of this. One of the interesting things he said was that usually threats of this sort aren't taken seriously due to the fact that allegations of threats tend to be a "he said, she said" affair, but, the aggressors make their biggest mistakes when they leave voice this serves as solid and incriminating evidence, as you chose to on Friday morning for me. My caller was also pleased to know that i have kept a record of every call i have received from you, including the time of day, what you said, what number showed on the caller id, and where the call was received. He likes the details. I've even saved and transferred the voice mail you chose to leave me at 8:29am on Thursday..I even took the time to copy it onto 3 other storage know, just to make certain that it was never lost. That way, even if you didn't stupidly use one of the online services, he still can easily track your call.

    Best regards,

    NOTE TO THE MODERATORS: As i said the first time I am closing this thread, it has clearly ran its course. Nothing good has, or will, come out of it as the posts since the first time i tried to close it have obviously shown. Please do not re-open this thread, you are merely granting the trolls more opportunity to ruin the great and positive community we have here at Shelby Forums.
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