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Discussion in '1965-1970 Shelby Mustang GT350 & GT500' started by Bob Gaines, Nov 1, 2007.

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  1. Bob Gaines

    Bob Gaines Well-Known Member

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    Jan 7, 2006
    OK guys and gals this has been a big week for news at SEMA . I was talking to Amy Boylan at Shelby and she said that Shelby Automobles has just released that they will NOT renew SAAC's contract with them and as of Feb of 08 the contract is ended. This could mean a lot of things but what I do know so far is that the people running S291 club that was started earlier this year for the late model Shelbys will be running the new " Team Shelby". Both the new and the old will be rolled up in one. They are telling SAAC to return all of the old paperwork and files.I don't know any of the other implications like the SAAC name or what else.It will be interesting to see how this unfolds . A change is coming for better or for worse. I just hope some of the invaluable people from SAAC (and there are MANY) can somehow be incorporated into this new assoiciation. says that team shelby will be the only RECOGNIZED Shelby club and doesn't go into the anything about SAAC. It says the new inity will start up on Shelbys birthday Jan 11 08. I am a little uneasy about this change and hope it goes smoothly(yeah right).
  2. vernonestes

    vernonestes Well-Known Member

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    Jan 14, 2007
    Great......everything SAAC just went down in value.
    I hope this doesnt effect when the registry gets to my door.
    Best Regards,
  3. bitzman

    bitzman Well-Known Member

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    Apr 15, 2005
    How does this news affect The Whole Thing

    How does this affect the SAAC convention? Can they still hold it or will they have to take the name SHELBY out of the title?

    Also will the new organization be having their own convention and if so, when?

    Also will the new organization have their own website?

    Also will the new organization have their own magazine?

    (One complaint I had about SAAC is the infrequent issuance of their magazine. On the other hand, I liked the stories, especially interviews and wonder if the new magazine if there is one will be full of PR-puff stories or real stories....)
  4. Coralsnake

    Coralsnake Well-Known Member

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    Sep 8, 2004
    The Northcoast
    I will keep my personal feelings aside for now, but I guess that answers my earlier post why doesn't Shelby associate with SAAC anymore. You remember ...the one where I was blasted ? I will say this, if it wasn't for SAAC, Shelby would not be building cars today, I am convinced of that.

    I don't think it's a surprise for SAAC, they announced at the last convention they were branching out to cover more areas of the car hobby.

    Competing clubs is not in the best interest of either organization.

    Last edited: Nov 1, 2007
  5. tesgt350

    tesgt350 Well-Known Member

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    Feb 10, 2006
    I am in my own little World
    DAAAAAAAAMMMMMMMMMNNNNNNNNN............ So what happens to the Shelby Registry that is being put together right NOW. The First book hasn't even gone to print yet and the one for the Mustangs is next in line.
  6. shelby1817

    shelby1817 New Member

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    Jul 12, 2007
    Well when I hear it from Kopec I will start to listen. If it was not for SAAC there would not be the following of the Marque we have today. Yes SAAC is a private business and so what! No one I know would have continued to "Volunteer" for so many years. the whole group Kopec, Pardee, and Eber should be kissed on the lips for what they have done for us. So what if they travel and stay in hotels with SAAC money. They are SAAC and deserve to reap the few benefits the club offers them. I hope we hear from Kopec soon and he can patch the hole in the boat before words tear it apart further. I for one wish the club the best and if I can help in any way I hope they call upon the club members to help.
    And as for the kiss on the lips, I got a little carried away, Okay just Howard!!! I am just frustrated at what others think is better. As my Italian Immigrant and very wize father always reminded me.
    Kenneth Costella
    long time SAAC member
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2007
  7. amyb

    amyb Active Member

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    Jul 26, 2007
    Guys, What was posted is not exactly acuarate.

    The SAAC team will still continue with what they do, we hhave not renewed the shelby License, but I am sure they will continue with the registry. We at Shelby will also keep the registry for all new cars and old, if the owners of cobra and vintage mustang want to join.

    I did not ask for there info back or any of their stuff. We have always maintained that we would keep the new cars we build and ford builds, SAAC does not have the GT_H or the shelby GT info, that has always been ours, as with all cars going forward.

    Carroll has always wanted a place for all owners and non owners who love his brand and it's right that that place be developed and built by Shelby. This will be online, up to date, from us to all of you, with events, many events, to celebrate cars, members and racing. This is a big task being under taken by us. We want you all to have a place to see up to the minute info from the company and up to the minute info on your car, whether in the registry or waiting to be built, or if you added mods, the registry will be updated automatically.

    We expect this to be very different from SAAC, they do a Book and one event a year, we want this to be more and we are willing to invest in that. There will be newsletters, magazines, interviews with Carroll and the team, forums, factory and product insights....... Why not wait to see it before you judge it.

    Values of the cars will not change. this is a group, a club a society built by Shelby for Shelby .

    And yes we know we can not do all this ourselves. We would love to have those who wish to help join us. Thank you

    Amy Boylan
    President Shelby Autos.
  8. Coralsnake

    Coralsnake Well-Known Member

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    Sep 8, 2004
    The Northcoast
    Thanks Amy,

    It is so nice to hear from you. Everyone gets worked up when they hear things, because they have a lot of time invested in this great hobby.

    I think eveyone here enjoys all the cars and wants to see everyone participate.

    :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:

  9. amyb

    amyb Active Member

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    Jul 26, 2007

    thanks! We are trying very hard to be everything Carroll envisions this new company to be for all Shelby Owners and enthusiasts. We have invested significant resources in the new Team Shelby and will continue to invest more.

  10. GT350DAVE

    GT350DAVE Well-Known Member

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    Nov 3, 2006
    As a long term SAAC member and Shelby car enthusiast, it is confusing to me why Shelby Autos would not renew the Shelby license to an enthusiast club that has spent 30 plus years keeping the interest alive in the cars built by Shelby. I assume the license agreement is for the use of Shelby's name and trademarks. If that is what it is, I can not imagine anything positive from this negative action.
    Coming up with an enthusiest club for the new cars is fine. As far as Forums go, this one is the best you will find. Decisions like ending license agreements with SAAC are counterproductive to keeping the ethusium going for our 60's cars. With Shelby Autos focus mostly on the new cars, I am sure owners like myself of the 60's Shelby American cars will soon feel abandoned. How can it not effect the values of our cars?
  11. crzy4shelbys

    crzy4shelbys Well-Known Member

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    Aug 20, 2007
    Trabuco Canyon, CA, USA
    I wholeheartedly agree with GT350DAVE's post and his sentiment. I have loved the '60's Shelbys for more than 20 years (which happens to be more than half my life) and I fail to see why Shelby Autos would do ANYTHING to upset SAAC and it's members in light of the fact that they have shown such great enthusiasm for Carroll Shelby's creations for such a long period of time. SAAC was there long before these cars were high dollar collector's pieces. It's really upsetting to me that Carroll Shelby would allow this to happen. He's not going to be around forever, and I would think he wouldn't want to spend his final years distancing those who have always been his greatest supporters.

    This probably isn't going to be a very popular statement, but here goes... Carroll Shelby has created some of the greatest automobiles of our time, but he's also had a hand in some real junk. Thanks to SAAC, he'll always be remembered for EVERYTHING he did, and their existence has always promoted an awareness of his great accomplishments and no doubt their work has contributed greatly to many of the opportunities he's been afforded later on in his life. They've basically been a free promotional agency for him. I still can't believe the thanks they get.

    I still love the man's work as do most of the people on this forum, which is probably why everyone has such a strong opinion about this.

    Ultimately, I'd like one question answered with a decent explanation; why?

    Not "Why two clubs". Why not renew with SAAC? What good comes of it?
  12. amyb

    amyb Active Member

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    Jul 26, 2007
    Guys, I am sorry your upset. Shelby Licensing decided not to renew, for everybody who is happy about the new club there will probably be one who is not happy.

    My Job as President of Shelby Autos is to build our business, support our customers and continue to support the passion and legacy that fuels our business. Carroll has asked me to do more to support the community and that is the job I am doing, it's not about them or us, it's about the brand.
    Yes if they want to. We will try to keep everything the way it should be. I am starting with the new cars and welcome the old, but I am not ofrcing anyone to join if they don't want too.

    And for the record, This is not about $$ I have spent well in excess of 200K already for the site, people and technology and the rest, I will continue to build the site and the club. I have been working on this since Carroll and I started the turn of the business. I have a history of taking care and building a community for the collectors personally , I did this at Mattel for Hot wheels, I have always felt that to be closer to an organization gives you more value you can't get anywhere else and makes a company stronger in the process.

    Maybe after it launches you will all like it and if not tell me how to make it better


    Last edited: Nov 1, 2007
  13. crzy4shelbys

    crzy4shelbys Well-Known Member

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    Aug 20, 2007
    Trabuco Canyon, CA, USA

    Please answer this, though: What good comes of not renewing with SAAC? I think it's great you're starting a new club that is focused on the new cars. One need only spend a little time on this site to see that the new cars have a very strong following. Are you trying to disolve SAAC and pick up it's membership? If you are, then the ends definitely do not justify the means. That's just a poor way of doing business, and any club that would do something like that is not a club with which I would want to be involved, no matter how much I love the cars. If that's not your intent, then why not renew with SAAC?
  14. daltondavid

    daltondavid Well-Known Member

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    Dec 9, 2004
    Garnet Valley, Pennsylvania
    I am hoping and seeking a good resolution to what seems like an uncertain future. on one hand we have SAAC, an organization we all know and trust. on the other, Carroll Shelby. and his latest of many new Upstart companies. SAAC has always supported Carroll and his endeavors. just look back through all the newsletters etc. he has always been given "GOD" status no matter what the situation. it will be interesting to see what respect if any will be shown to SAAC in return. Remember, the Club is made of more than Kopec, Eber, and Pardee. it is ALL OF US TOGETHER!!
  15. Bob Gaines

    Bob Gaines Well-Known Member

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    Jan 7, 2006
    One thing is for sure If what Amy has done for Shelby in the time she has been with them is any indication of how Team Shelby well be run then look for her to be a hero or heroine for the new Team Shelby as well. If Team Shelby is successful then ultimately it will be a positive thing for enthusiasts like ourselves that work to preserve and celebrate the Shelby marque.
  16. vernonestes

    vernonestes Well-Known Member

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    Jan 14, 2007
    I just dont understand how a man who basically owes his second coming to this club could ever let anything like this happen. Carroll SHelby is my hero and i would never say anything negative about him but this whole situation seems to throw me through a loop. Amy, what did SAAC do to upset Carroll. Or did they upset Carroll at all?
    Furthermore, i really dont see why there must be one 'recognized' shelby club. Would it just be absolute mayham to have two seperate clubs?
    From what i am reading, it sounds like the emphasis on this new club starts with the new stuff and has an after thought of the old cars. I dont think that the new cars hold quite the place in the our hearts as the classics as they simply havent been around long enough to establish their own 'legend' if you will. (Not saying anything about the new cars as i personally think they are fantastic.) I hope you realize that now that you guys are forming the official shelby club you have the responsiblity to accumulate as good or better information than SAAC did. It is going to be a tough task.
    Best Regards,
  17. 65gtfastback

    65gtfastback Well-Known Member

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    May 19, 2006
    @ Nashville
    maybe Pardee said something that corporate types could not appreciate...:thumbsup:
  18. mrdoc442

    mrdoc442 Well-Known Member

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    Oct 19, 2006
    A very wise person once told me

    "Times change and so do people."

    As a recent Shelby acquirer, I do not presume to know everything there is to know about the politics of the Shelby marquee.

    It does appear however, that with the recent re-association of Mr. Shelby with Ford and others, his automobile endeavors/association/business/charity/ etc. are at an all time high in popularity with not just the relatively few that were privileged to have some of the old rare Shelby's, or were associated with Shelby from the old days, racing and all that.

    Since the release of the 2007 Shelby GT500 and Shelby's associations I alluded to above, the whole Shelby phenomenon has really caught fire, and taken off. There is a whole new breed of Shelby enthusiast's, like myself, many of whom might not yet even own a Shelby car, but desire the Shelby merchandise, etc. That is where a good deal of future $$$ are, and money talks.

    It can be a mistake for a Corporation, no matter how great or popular it is at the time, to leave it's "roots" enthusiasts behind, as these phenomenon's generally all flow an ebb and tide, but I would venture to say if you SAAC folks make enough noise, you will be heard, and strength in numbers is what Shelby Corp. will listen to. It is possible to effect a change or in this case reverse change if you are united in your efforts.

    Amy Boylan sounds like a reasonable person, let her know about your feelings en masse, not just through a few Emails.

    Last edited: Nov 1, 2007
  19. FE Mann

    FE Mann Member

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    Jun 14, 2005
    Pacific Northwest
    I have owned Shelby Automobiles since 1970, was a member of the old SOA (Shelby Owners Association), and one of the first members of SAAC. What is happening here has me simply appalled. It seems that by not renewing the Shelby Licensing agreement, somehow we will all become united under one(God?)club. It seems to me that it boils down to one word, "control"!!!
    I would like Amy to give us one good and valid reason why they have not renewed with SAAC, which has been around since she was a child. Be honest, and give us the truth, not a prepared statement to candy coat it.

    WELL ???????????????
  20. amyb

    amyb Active Member

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    Jul 26, 2007

    I have not left the Vintage behind, I embrace it, I would not be presumptuous to say that all vintage should join, I started the club because of all the new owners many who do not feel a tie to SAAC. But I welcome and would love the vintage guys to come over and be a key part of this.

    This will not be to everyone's liking, I will also not answer "why" as it is not necessary as the change is happening.

    thank you to those who agree, thank to those who don't but are open minded and to the rest, I hope you will see we mean to do the right thing

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